“I remember very clearly – and this was the dominating thought – the feeling of insult… the whole operation was panicky and cruel.”



[View and download the latest version of Hutchinson’s Roll Call, complete with full details for each individual, and sourcing, here.]

Within two weeks of its opening on 13th July 1940, Hutchinson camp’s population numbered more than 1,200, all men between the ages of sixteen and sixty.

Because the men had been imprisoned because of where they were from, and not for who they were, or for what they had done, Hutchinson contained a dazzling cross-section of society, including scores of luminaries, who, together, made up one of history’s unlikeliest and most extraordinary prison populations.

There were prize-winning professors, influential architects, lauded composers for the stage and screen, world-renowned archeologists, fashion designers for Royalty, award-winning journalists and feted international lawyers – including one who claimed to count the Vatican among his clients.

There were also dozens of eminent European artists, most of whom had fled Nazi oppression, including Paul Hamann, a sculptor who had made life-masks of English celebrities, the wood-carver Ernst Müller Blensdorf, Ludwig Meidner, considered by some to be the greatest of all German Expressionists and, most celebrated of all, Kurt Schwitters, the fifty-three-year-old pioneering Dadaist in front of whose “degenerate” work the failed painter, Adolf Hitler, once posed sarcastically.

This is a selection of the 1,107 men confirmed to have been interned at Hutchinson camp via research for ‘The Island of Extraordinary Captives’. This information is drawn from dozens of first-hand accounts, from both published and unpublished sources, as well as from primary source documentation held in various archives around the world.

If you have information about friends or family members who were interned at Hutchinson, please use the contact form.

Notable Internees


Ahrends, Bruno. Architect & founder of the ‘Camp University’. 15.04.42.

Altmann, Dr. Gerhard, Medical Doctor/ Researcher Glasgow Hospital. Unknown.

Arenstein, Hans (a.k.a. Harry Andrews). Locksmith (dies during Normany Invasion while serving as Commando). 5.10.40.


Baerwald, Prof. Johann “Hans”. Professor of Physics. 08.11.40.

Baranski, Heinz. Dress-designer. 19.7.41.

Barczinski, Hans Wolfgang (later ‘John Barry’). Ballet Dancer. 6.8.41.

Bardt, Johann. Chemist/ Company Director. 18.12.41.

Behrendt, Erwin. Writer. 20.2.43.

Beran, Dr. Heinfried ‘Heinz’. Camp English Teacher. 07.02.41.

Bergl, Leon. Former German Intelligence Officer. Unknown.

Bersu, Prof. Gerhard. Archeologist. 21.5.41.

Bier, Werner Julius. Electrician/ Salesman. 19.01.42.

Blensdorf, Ernst Müller. Sculptor. 10.04.41.

Bodenheimer, Ernst Leo. Lawyer. (Marries at Camp). 07.09.40.

Böhm, Kurt. Teacher at St Christopher’s School, Letchworth & Camp Gymnastics teacher. 21.01.41

Bönsch, Franz (a.k.a. Franz Hartl), Playwright. 28.11.40.

Bratu, Dr. Arture/ Arthur. Teacher, Later Public Prosecutor in the De-Nazification proceedings in Darmstadt (Runs the ’Cercle Français’ in Camp). 19.11.40.

Braude, Manfred Heinz. Student (later Cambridge University Lecturer). 15.10.41.

Bruckmann, Erich Jacob. Lawyer and Second ‘Campfather’. 25.04.41.

Brunner, Walter, Tailor. 10.6.41.

Buchwald, Georg. Student (Acts in Hutchinson Camp Theatre). 18.12.42.

Burschell, Frederich Dr., Author & First ‘Campfather’. 01.11.40.

Buxbaum, Berthold. Lawyer. 28.06.41.


Cargher, Pinechas Oftfried “John” (AM). Broadcast Journalist. 24.10.41.

Cemach, Hans Paul (later Harry P.). Accountant (writes Hutchinson Camp Youth song’). 11.10.40.

Charoux, Siegfried. Sculptor. 04.09.40.

Corvin, Michael. See: Leo Freund.

Cohn, Dr. William. Art Historian at Oxford University, 18.9.40.


Deutsch, Andre. Publisher. 10.4.42.

Dittmar, Gustav. Writer & Editor (Second Editor of the Camp newspaper). 15.12.42.

Dornberger, Paul. Writer, 05.05.41.

Dreichlinger, Arthur. Inventor. 29.10.41.

Duschinsky, Ernst (a.k,a. Ernest Dorman). Actor, 17.06.41 (re-interned 03.04.42-11.6.42).

Dzubas, Wilhelm ‘Willy’. Artist (Poster Designer). 10.12.41.


Ebert, Peter. Student of Photography (later director at the Glyndebourne Opera), 02.08.41.

NOTE: Peter’s Father, Carl Ebert, was, according to one source, interned at Hutchinson on his return from internment in Canada. Peter’s step-father, Hans Oppenheim was also in the camp, and one of the first Hutchinson internees to be freed).

Ehrlich, Georg. Sculptor. 14.10.40.

Eisler, Robert. Oxford Academic. 04.09.40.

Elvin (and/or Levy), René. Journalist. 26.12.40.

Elster, Ludwig (Later ‘Louis’). Journalist. 23.01.42.

Emden, Adolph. Draughtsman. 17.11.41.

Eschelbacher, Max (Rabbi). Lecturer at Cambridge & Organiser of ‘Jewish Culture’ events in Camp University. 12.08.40.


Fechenbach, Hermann. Painter. 25.03.41.

Feder, Dr Hans. Medical Doctor (Camp Physician). 20.06.41.

Felkel, Carl Franz. Painter. 22.08.40.

Fehr, Oskar. Eye Surgeon (pioneered operation to fix detached retina). 18.09.40.

Feuchtwang, Wilhelm. Publisher of Camp Newspaper. 25.01.41.

Flatter, Joseph Otto. Cartoonist. 30.11.40.

Fleischmann, Peter (later Midgley). Student & Artist. 7.10.41.

Forchheimer, Dr. Karl Otto. Austrian Economist, Institute of Statistics, University College Oxford. 08.10.40.

Fraenkel, Heinrich. Political Journalist, Screenwriter and Chess-setter for the New Statesman. 15.01.41.

Franck, Karl (later ‘Carl’) Ludwig. Architect. 18.11.40.

Frees, Wolf (interned as ‘Johann Wolfgang Müller’). Actor. 07.11.40.

Frenkel, Professor Meyer. Mathematician & Inventor. 16.03.41.

Freund, Leo (a.k.a. Michael Corvin). Journalist and Author. 26.3.42.

Friedenthal, Richard. Author and Novelist. 08.02.41.

Furth, Hans G. Musician, Professor. 12.05.41.


Galewski, Walter. Lawyer. 30.01.41.

Gercke, George. Engineer (grandfather of the novelist Glen David Gold). 03.03.44.

Gerson, Hans Ulrich. Architect. 13.01.41.

Gillespie, Hans Winterstein. Consultant radiologist. (Father of the singer Dana Gillespie). 5.1.45.

Gittler, Frans/ Frank. Optometrist. 16.4.41.

Glas, Prof. Richard. Musicologist. 17.12.40.

Goldmann, Emil (Professor). Lecturer. 23.9.40.

Gottlieb, Alexander. Professor of Languages. 10.12.40.

Gottschalk, Adolf (later ‘Freddy Godshaw’). Watchmaker. 05.11.40.

Gottschalk, Walter (later ‘Walter Godshaw’). Chemist. 06.11.40.

[Walter and Adolf, brothers, were released within a day of one another, and both drawn by Kurt Schwitters in the camp.]

Gräf, Hugo. Communist Politician, former member of Reichstag. 11.11.41.

Granichstädten, Dr. Emmerich. Scientist. 28.04.41.

Greifenhagen, Johann (later 'John’). Architect. 11.12.40

Grünhut, Max Dr., Criminologist. 15.10.40.

Oscar Norbert Gugenbichler (a.k.a. Oscar Gugen). Professional Diver, later cofounder of the British Sub-Aqua Club. 28.03.45.

Gussefeld, Hans George. Businessman (exhibits letter-openers carved from Prees Heath tent pegs in Second Art Exhibition). 27.05.41.

Gutmann, Alfred. Director of Parlophone Records. 29.08.40.

Guttmann, Hans Peter. Public Relations officer (later Director of Hammond Publishing). 05.10.40.


Haas-Heye, Otto. Fashion & Textile Designer. 01.05.41.

Hallgarten, Fritz. Lawyer & Wine Merchant. 07.12.40.

Hamann, Paul. Sculptor. 13.01.41.

Hauser, Philo. TV and Film Actor, 07.03.41

Haymann, Prof. Franz Samuel, Professor of Roman and Civil Law. 05.10.40.

Heinemann, Prof. Friedrich, Oxford Academic. 18.09.40.

Heim, Hans Felix. Student (later: pilot?). 01.08.41.

Heller, Georg Bernhard. Artist. 31.08.45.

Henning, Paul. Photographer (runs the photography group in camp). 06.12.40.

Hepner, Friedrich/ Fritz. Professor of communication history. 7.3.45.

Hertel, Gerhard. Artist. 10.04.41.

Herz, Peter. Librettist (founder of Camp Cabaret). 8.1.41.

Hinrichsen, Klaus Ernst. Art Historian. 18.6.41.

Hirsch, Julius. Arts & Crafts Student, 02.09.41.

Hirsh, Ulli - see ‘Uri Hirsch’

Hirschenhauser, Rudolf Paul. Portrait Painter, 20.01.41.

Holzer, Dr. Paul, Rabbi (leader of Neue Dammtor Synagogue in Hamburg 1923-1938). 23.12.40.

Hundert, Chaim. Agent. 02.07.41.


Isaac, Prof. Simon. Director of the Jewish Hospital, Frankfurt. (Memoir).26.10.40


Jacob, Frank Herbert. Furniture Restorer. 14.12.40.

Jacoby, Erwin. Acts in camp plays. 31.08.41.

Jacobi, Hans Fritz Eberhard. Engineering Student (Runs photography classes in Camp). 10.03.41.

Jacobsthal, Paul. Oxford Academic. 30.09.40.

Joubert, Emanuel Max. Unknown (Runs the camp ‘Spanish Centre’). 08.12.43.


Kahn, Erich. Artist. 17.2.41.

Kapralik, Dr Karl (later ‘Charles’). Lawyer. 13.1.41.

Kastner, Prof. Rudolf. Music Critic & Organiser of Camp Music Lectures. 23.09.40.

Katz, Stefan/ Stephan. Student (Runs Camp Youth Group). 02.05.41.

Kayser, Edgar. Gardener. 15.4.41.

Kayser, Kurt. Unknown. 5.9.41.

Kerlin, George. Pastor (St Richard’s College, Hadzor). 10.01.41.

Klaber, Manfred. Book-keeper. 12.5.41.

Kohn, Johann. ‘Farm Laborer’ (Exhibits carved ‘chess men’ in 2nd Art Exhibition). 25.04.41.

Königsberger, Professor Abraham Artur. Lawyer. 17.02.42.

Koring, Carl. Architect. 28.03.41.

Korn, Arthur. Architect. 08.08.41.

Krämer, Friedrich ‘Fritz’. Artist. 07.01.41.

Kramm, Dr. Hans Herbert. Lutheran Pastor (and anti-Nazi "Bekennende Kirche"). 06.12.40.

Kuh, Michael (later Michael Stone). Journalist. 24.11.41.

Kuhmerker, Leon. Electrical goods merchant; Artificial flower-maker in camp. 16.10.41.

Künstlinger, Heinz. Runs ‘Chemist’s Section in Camp University. 25.10.41.

Kuranda, Hugo Arthur. Olympic Skier. 12.05.44.

Kutiak, Paul. Antique dealer. 1.4.41.


Lachmann, Heinz. Lawyer (later of the firm H. B. Wedlake, Saint & Co.), 08.11.40.

Landry, Harald (a.k.a. Schmidt) Dr., Literary Critic. 24.10.41.

Landau, Max. Accountant (Head of Social Sciences in Camp University). 10.06.41.

Leder, Karl (aka Sigurd Leeder). Head of School of Dancing, Dartington Hall. 6.11.40.

Lehmann-Russbüldt, Otto. Writer. 24.08.40.

Lesser, Wolfgang. Musician and composer. 18.10.41.

Levine, Eugene. Medical Student and Boxer. 09.01.41.

Lewandowski, Max. Merchant. 25.06.41.

Lewin, Erich Sigbert Peter. Journalist. 10.01.41.

Lewinsohn, Phillip. Dressmaker. 23.8.41.

Lichtenstein, Hugo. Gynaecologist. 21.5.41.

Lieber, Gustav. Stamp Dealer. 10.11.41.

Lipsker, Bernhard. Horticulturist. 21.07.41.

Litthauer, Dr. Ernst K. (O.B.E.), Businessman & Art Collector. 38.08.41.

Löwenfeld, Günther. Lawyer (husband of Claire Loewenfeld). 22.2.41.

Löwengard, Manfred Felix. Graphologist. 30.04.41.


Maas, Dr. Paul. Oxford Scholar, Co-Editor of the Liddell & Scott Dictionary & Camp Librarian. 29.08.40.

Madler, Franz Louis. Inventor. 10.6.44.

Mahrenholz, Harald. Artist & Dress-Maker. 23.02.42.

Margitai, Peter (later ‘Peter Maxwell’). Film and TV director (cf. IMDB). 27.06.41.

Margulies, Dr. Max. Medical Doctor. 18.07.41.

Markiewicz, Herbert. Painter. 11.12.40.

Marschik, Konrad. Law student. 19.09.41.

Matuschka, Count Franz Josef von., Poet & Gardener.

MaurerEmil. Politician, Barrister. 06.01.41.

Meidner, Ludwig. Engraver & Painter. 9.12.41.

Meissner, Dr. Ferdinand (a.k.a. Hohenmeiss). Journalist & editor (father of Freda Meissner-Blau). 15.9.44.

Melitz, Rudolf. Journalist (also acts in Hutchinson Theatre Group). 14.06.41.

Mero, Julius. Celluloid manufacturer (Wins camp essay competition). 10.3.41.

Meyer, Rudolf. Engineer (Plays flute and harmonium in the camp.) 20.06.41.

Meyerstein, Ludwig. Lawyer. 23.8.41.

Midgely, Peter. See Peter Fleischmann.

Mirauer, Hellmuth. Student (Member of Hutchinson Theatre Group). 19.03.42.

Mirecki, Adolf (aka ‘Dol’). Furniture-maker & Caricaturist. 15.4.41.

Misch, Dr. Georg, Philosopher, Cambridge University. 4.9.40.

Mottek, Hans. Barrister (Later awarded Germany’s ‘Patriotic Order of Merit’ for outstanding contribution to society.) 10.6.41.

Müller, Johann Wolfgang. See ‘Wolf Frees.’

Munster, Rudolf. Lawyer. 22.03.41.


Nassau, Ernst Saloman. Instrument Specialist (Dr. Bersu’s assistant on archeological dig). 20.02.41.

Nathan, Hermann. Gramophone Dealer. 04.09.40.

Nettelbladt, Baron Nicholaus von. Lord of Glassenbury Manor. 6.1.44.

Neunzer, Johann ‘Blick’. Lion Tamer & Animal Trapper.16.6.41.

Neurath, Walter. Publisher (later cofounder of Thames & Hudson). No Date Given (confirmed pre-1941).

Nirenstein, Isador. Director of Witkowitz Iron Works, Bohemia. No Date Given.


Ofner, Curt. Headteacher. 19.12.40.

Olden, Rudolf. Lawyer, Journalist, Political editor of ‘Berliner Tagesblatt’ (dies during the sinking of the City of Benares). 06.08.40.

Olsen, Olaf. Actor. 12.9.40 (Re-interned 27.7.42-12.12.44).

Oppenheim, Hans. Musical Director. 25.07.40.

Oppenheimer, Siegfried. Art Dealer. 30.12.40.


Pariser, Franz. Textile Designer. 14.10.40.

Pelzer, Dr. Heinrich. Physicist. 18.12.40.

Perlmann, Dr. Alfred. Eye Surgeon. 04.07.41.

Pfeiffer, Prof. Rudolf. Classical Scholar, Corpus Cristi Oxford. 23.09.40.

Pfingst, Gustav. Rabbi. 24.1.41.

Pick, Robert Hermann. Theatre manager. 07.02.44.

Pietzner, Carlo. Artist. 06.9.41.

Piorkowsky, Franz (later ‘Francis Pulteney’). Bookshop owner. Unknown.

Planer, Felix Ernst. Artist & Electrical Engineer. 12.2.41.

Pollmann, Prof. Stefan. Professor of Music. 10.2.41.

Preuss, Ernst Gustav (son of Hugo Preuß). Civil Servant, Author. 28.12.40.

Pringsheim, Dr. Fritz. Oxford Academic. 13.12.40.

Prufer, Adolf. manager of Toy Factory. 01.09.41.

Pudles, Karl. Printer. 18.6.41.


Rado, Eugen/Eugene. Agent. 08.05.41.

Rahmer, Hermann. Radio Engineer. 22.10.42.

Rawicz, Marjan. Concert Pianist. 16.10.40.

Reisz, Egon. Musician, 20.2.41.

Rintelen, Franz von. Lecturer, freelance journalist. (Former Naval Intelligence Officer). 5.12.44.

Roessler, Hermann. Artist. 16.11.40.

Roessingh, Henry de Buys. Artist. 12.12.41.

Rogister, Dr. Max von. Lawyer. 07.06.42.

Rothfels, Dr. Hans. Oxford University Professor. 24.09.40.

Romm, Kurt. Photographer. 15.07.41.

Runkel, Rolf. Volunteer (suspected OGPU agent). 18.07.41.

Rusche, Dr. George. Economist and Criminologist. 11.3.41.


Saborsky, Dr. Kurt. Surgeon & Violinist. 06.12.40.

Sachs, Martin. Unknown. 23.1.42.

Sänger, Ernst. Editor & Camp Gamesmaster. 26.04.41.

Scheu,Dr Friedrich. Journalist.11.11.40.

Schlössingk, Klaus. BBC Production Assistant. (Briefly escapes internment camp in Canada). 28.2.44.

Schöndorff, Hans. Engineer (Acts in Hutchinson Theatre Group). 25.10.41.

Schreiber, Alfred Naftali. Architect. 04.07.41.

Schreiner, Johan/ Johannes. Architect. 10.12.40.

Schubert, Sami Wickersham. Managing Director, Dilaphone Company. Unknown.

Schulz, Dr. Fritz. Professor of Roman Law, Balioll College Oxford. 11.10.40.

Schulze, Hans. Journalist for Christian Science Monitor. 27.12.41.

Schultze, Dr. Rolf. Librarian for Kodak company. 15.04.41.

Schwab, Salomon. Wine merchant. 26.5.41.

Schwann, Constantin (a.k.a. ‘Louis Blanche’). Artist. 04.06.41.

Schwarzmann, Dr. Norbert. Doctor of Medicine. 05.05.41.

Schweig, Dr Bruno. Consulting Chemist. 15.11.40.

Schwitters, Kurt. Artist. 22.11.41.

Schwitters-GuldahlErnst. Photographer (son of Kurt Schwitters). 14.07.41.

Selinger, Manfred (later ‘Frederick Selby’), Architect. 14.12.40.

Simchowitz, Dr Hermann. Radiologist at Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. 31.8.40.

Singer, Dr. Erich. Cartoonist and Lawyer. 07.01.41.

Skrein, Georg. Student. (Comes seventh in camp chess tournament). 18.6.41.

Sluzewski, Curt. International Lawyer. 20.2.41.

Solomonski, Fritz (later Frederick Solomon), Painter. 24.3.41.

Sohn-Rethel, Alfred, Secretary Egyptian chamber of commerce. 21.1.41.

Sonntag, Jakob. Journalist (later founder of The Jewish Quarterly). 10.7.41.

Sontag, Marguardt Mark. Assistant art instructor, Dartington Hall. 11.03.41.

Spreewitz, Gustav. Swimming Instructor. 09.12.40.

Stent, Ronald (formerly ‘Rudolph Stensch’). Businessman and Academic. 28.10.40.

Stern, Ernst (a.k.a. ‘Este’, ‘E.E.’), Film Set Designer. 03.09.40.

Stock, Rev. Georg. Pastor (studied with Karl Barth). 24.08.40.

Strassmann, Markus/ Max. Merchant. 21.1.42.

Strauch, Walter. Unknown. Released 13.03.42, then Reinterned, then Repatriated in 1945.

Strelisker, Dr. Georg. Psychologist. 19.05.41.

Suschitzky, Josef “Joseph”. Bookseller (acts in first camp play). 27.01.41.

Suss, Hersch. Journalist. 17.5.41.


Taubes, Jacob Samuel. Jewish writer. 01.07.41

Tausig, Otto. Actor and Director, 08.01.42

Toffler, Hans Albrech. Design Engineer. 30.4.41.

Treitel, Kurt. Tailor. 22.11.40.

Tschirschky, Baron Fritz von. German diplomat. 11.11.44.

Tuch, Hans. High Court Judge. 25.6.41.


Uhlman, Manfred “Fred”. Lawyer, Artist & Author. 31.12.40.

Unger, Alfred Hermann. Writer & Astrologer. 18.12.40.

Uri, Hermann/ Hirsch. Diamond dealer. 18.07.41.


Verdiers, Edward E. (original name: Eduard Ehrlich), Research Chemist & Artist. 31.12.40.

Voetter, Ferdinand (later Franc Ferdinand Xaver Votter). Photographic Technician. 04.02.41.


Wagener, Kurt Adolf David. Film Actor, Singer. 16.04.41.

Wallraf, Paul. Art Collector & Treasure Hunter. 28.03.45.

Warschaurer, Ludwig Max , Founder of the camp Technical School. Deported to Germany in 1945.

Wartenberg, Dr. Fritz. Unknown. 08.03.41.

Wellesz, Egon. Composer & Oxford Academic. 14.10.40.

Weigert, Prof. Fritz. Professor of Chemistry, Mount Vernon Hospital, 24.08.40.

Weigert, Jochen. Student (later First Director of the Free German Youth), 18.12.41.

Weil, Herbert. Student (later, German Ambassador). Unknown.

Weinberger, Robert. Unknown (Played role of Policeman in Camp Play), 08.4.43.

Weiner, Issac. F. Headmaster. 04.06.41.

Weininger, Wilhelm. Painter. 5.5.41.

Weiser, Heinrich. Unknown. 14.06.41

Weiss, Friedrich (aka Fred/ ‘Ferry’). Film Producer, Director of Hutchinson Theatre Group, Unknown.

Weissenborn, Hellmuth. Artist. 31.12.1940.

Weisz, Dr. Theodor. Jewish Rabbi. 9.1.41.

Wenzel, Oskar. R. Art Teacher. 25.4.41.

Weyl, Alfred Richard. Aircraft Designer. 18.8.43.

Wiesner, Adolph L. Electrician. 27.08.41.

Wiener, Richard. Journalist. 10.12.40.

Wilde, Dr Johannes. Art Historian. 06.05.41.

Wilmersdoerffer, Hans Max (later Mr Justice John Wilmers QC). 11.01.41.

Winter, David Alexander. Rabbi. 16.09.40.

Wisloch, Heinrich (later ‘Henry’), 04.11.40. Unknown (ARP in camp).

Wittelshöfer, Friederich Josef. Former Prussian Ministerial Direktor. 30.12.40.

Wohlfarth, Walther. Chemical engineer. 10.7.41.

Wolff, Asher. Merchant. 26.12.92.

Wolff, Ernst. Bookbinder. 7.10.41.

Wolff, Jonas. Mechanical engineer. 20.03.41.

Wuhrmann Josef. Stateless case. 29.5.41

Wuhrmann Isaac. Stateless case. 29.5.41

Wurmser, Leo. Conductor and Pianist. 01.01.41.


Zander, Dr Walter. Lawyer. 07.04.41.

Zerkowitz, Theodore. Director of Zerkowitz Ltd., Textile Manufacturer. 01.10.40.

Zipper, Walter. Engineer (brother of the composer Herbert Zipper). 31.12.40

Zunterstein, Paul. Student, later Sculptor RSA (Acts in camp adaptation of ‘The Man Who was Thursday’). 17.9.41.